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Changing trends in domain registration

February 12, 2015 by in category Domain Names, News with 0 and 0

The most popular keywords in new domain name registrations are constantly changing. Although common keywords such as “shop” and “online” are consistently registered in high numbers throughout the years, there are also some keywords that are clearly a reflection of what’s going on in the news. As many millions of domain names are registered throughout the world every single month, it’s easy to identify the latest trends.

In January 2015, Verisign identified that the top trending words for newly registered .com and .net included Glitter, Hemp and Options. The numbers were calculated based on the biggest growth in that keyword in new registrations, which meant perennially popular keywords like “online” are not included in the list. The rising popularity of the keyword “glitter” could be because of the massive online success and press attention given to, which we wrote about in a previous blog post.

A quality domain name is one of the most important elements for online success, so if you’re looking to attract a large audience, it’s always a good idea to purchase a domain that reflects the topics people are searching for. These changing trends reflect that fact as business owners and online entrepreneurs race to snap up the domain names that reflect hot news topics and popular subjects that are bound to be getting huge numbers of searches.

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