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Use strategic email subject lines for dynamite digital marketing

August 13, 2015 by in category Digital Marketing, News with 0 and 0

When it comes to digital marketing, emails can play a huge part in the number of people you are able to reach. There are many ways to ensure digital marketing has a positive impact, such as targeting your emails to individual recipients and ensuring your product and service information can be easily read and absorbed. There is one other major factor, however, and that is your email headline.

Millions of people choose to discard emails every day due to a poor subject line or lack of one. The truth is your subject line can determine whether your email is opened or sent straight to the trash folder. There are of course other factors that go into a successful email, but actually your subject line is the most important, as it is the only part that is guaranteed to be seen.

Clickbait subject lines that contain words such as “shocking” are ineffective. The word has experienced a 1.22% decrease in read rates along with the term “secret of” which has fallen by 8.69% in comparison with other emails that featured similar content but different subject lines. When it comes to the length of the lines, those that exceed 100 characters are read by fewer people, yet those between 91 and 100 characters are performing very well.

Words such as “sale”, “discount” and “free delivery” are often successful, but it is wise to avoid overloading your mails with these terms as every other company will have the same idea. Instead, try mixing up your email subject lines with varying content and offers to keep your clients and customers interested and engaged. Ensure you know the gender, name and location of each person you email and make sure that the personalisation does not end at the subject line. Suggest products based on the recipient’s wish list and shopping history so they know that they are not receiving a generated email.

We offer specialised web design services for small to medium sized businesses and we can help with every element of your digital marketing campaign. Get in touch if you’d like to discuss your email marketing strategy with us.

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