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Choosing wisely between different types of websites

December 10, 2015 by in category Digital Marketing, News with 0 and 0

An online presence is essential for all businesses, but there are several different types of websites and it is important to remember that the kind of website you need will depend on the kind of business you have. There are several factors to consider. Do you need to include social networking? How will you engage with your customers? Do you need to be equipped to sell products online? There are a whole host of online functions and features available but it is important to establish the ones that will work for you and offer the greatest benefits to your business.

An ecommerce site is a fully operational online retail establishment. It enables you to sell your products and services on a global basis, generate revenue and ensures complete efficiency of transactions. An internet storefront is a robust system that can easily be operated. With online sales predicted to reach £52.25 billion by the end of the year it is a crucial for any trading company with a goal for future expansion to offer their products and services online.

The blog has become an instantly recognisable internet feature, from professionally written pieces to personal online journals. Derived from the term “web logs”, the blog is a highly effective customer relations tool for a business and can help you secure new customers and connections. People can type your business name into a search engine and easily find you but they represent the audience you already have. The beauty of a regularly updated blog is that it can drive more traffic to your site. Each time a new blog is posted it adds another indexed page to your site and creates one more chance for you to appear in organic searches. It can also help your social media presence as every blog can be liked and shared on Facebook and retweeted on Twitter, exposing a much wider audience to your content and strengthening your social media reach.

A custom designed website is one that focuses on comprehensive content management. This type of site is ideal for businesses that have a niche business, a specific set of needs or those that wish to maintain a strong focus on heavy content. Web design and development offers a world of opportunity and your website can be specially designed to suit your precise business specifications and include custom configurations to display audio, video, graphics, written content and much more.

Whatever kind of website you have, the aim is to maximise your exposure to potential consumers and clients. We can design and develop any kind of website from scratch and our team will ensure that it is structured to offer your business optimal benefits. Our web designers, builders and writers are proficient in their work and we will collaborate closely with you to understand every facet of your business and put together the perfect online presence.

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