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How to design a site that your users will love

July 13, 2018 by in category News with 0 and 0

There are so many aspects that go into a good website. One of the major elements is ensuring you think about the user’s experience at every step. When it comes to web design, it can have a huge influence on whether your business succeeds. Stand out from the competition by allowing us to help you create a great site.

Mobile Optimisation

Once upon a time, if you wanted to go online you needed a desktop computer. Even the earliest versions of mobile phones with online access were very difficult to use. This has all changed with more searches now happening on mobile devices than on desktops.

Instead of embracing the change, some people fail to consider what kind of devices people are using to access their site. This leads to a high bounce rate when people discover the website is hard to use and navigate.

Updated Content

If people have an interest in your business, they will want to know that you care about the customers. When you publish up to date relevant content you are showing that you are dedicated and credible. So many businesses have blogs that they have abandoned, but users do care about this. It can also increase the chances of conversions and is a factor in search engine optimisation (SEO).

Social Media Links

You cannot deny the popularity of social media. During the second quarter of 2018, there were 1.47 billion daily users on Facebook. Along with the other channels you can use, think of the audience you can reach.

If you do have social media pages for your business, make sure people know this. By including links you can direct people to them through your site and vice versa. People like to know you use social media as it gives them a chance to follow you and stay updated. Just make sure you stay on top of posting and make sure what you post is appropriate.

Make It Enticing

Have you ever taken one look at something and immediately though “no”? Many people do this when they first visit a site. They know that with all the businesses online they have a choice and will find somewhere else to go.

Encouraging people to stay starts with the visuals you greet them with. For example, pages should not be too heavy with content and you must break up any blocks of text.

For all your web design needs, rely on Web Consultancy. We can help you get something that shows off all your business has to offer.

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