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Essential design elements for your website

November 19, 2014 by in category News, Website Design with 0 and 0

Online marketing has changed a great deal over the years, thanks in no small part to the rise in mobile devices. Web design needs to be much more customer focused than ever before to ensure you deliver the right kind of experience for visitors.

Here are just a few critical things you need to take into account if you want your website to be successful.

The platform you use to build the website. There are plenty of different web platforms to choose from, and it’s important to decide which one best meets your needs. One of the most important factors is the level of growth on offer. You need to choose a platform that will support your business now and in the future when your company expands. Some will update automatically so you’re always up to date, whereas others will quickly become outdated.

Responsive web design. One of the most important things to remember is that people can look at your website using a wide range of different devices. As a result you need to ensure the design will adapt to suit each different one, whether it is a laptop, a desktop, a mobile phone or a tablet. Sites that fail to take responsiveness into account can alienate consumers and send them elsewhere.

Content management. The content on your site plays an important role in its success. You need to ensure it is professionally written, free from mistakes and well presented. It is also good practice to keep everything updated, especially little things that would date the site – for example, if you mention that you’ve been in business for a certain number of years, you’ll need to change the figure every year to keep it up to date.

An attractive homepage. Your homepage needs to be eye catching, easy to navigate and organised so people can make sense of it. It is important to keep in mind that the quality of your the page will determine how people proceed; badly designed pages will put people off and probably stop them from browsing further, whereas interesting ones encourage exploration.

An onsite blog. Blogging is a great way to share information with your visitors and also ensures your site receives a regular stream of new pages and material for people to look at. Static websites that remain the same are likely to be penalised, whereas those regularly updated can be rewarded for their efforts.

Integrated social media. Social media accounts make it easier for businesses and customers to interact with each other. They also help to drive traffic to your main website when you post things that capture people’s interest.

Auto-responses for messages. Having a contact form on your website makes it easier for people to ask you questions and make enquiries. An automated response will be appreciated because it is evidence that you have received their message.

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