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How the Twitter and Google partnership will affect digital marketing

June 17, 2015 by in category Google, News with 0 and 0

Google has recently announced a new partnership with micro-blogging platform, Twitter. Google will now include real-time tweets as part of their search results, as competitor Bing already does. The deal is set to change the way businesses approach their online marketing, and could lead to more time being focused on social media campaigns with targeted keywords and high quality content.

If you have stayed up to date with the digital marketing world over the past couple of years, you’ll know this isn’t the first time that the two companies have united. A previous partnership was formed between 2009 and 2011, leading to Google’s first ever Realtime Search. In May, Google stated that they have started to experiment to see which tweets will be integrated into their search results. As a result, some users reported that they were able to see them on their smartphones.

The main goal of this new partnership is to provide Google users with more timely and relevant data. As Twitter is able to deliver a large amount of up to date information, it makes sense for the partnership to happen. It is hoped that this step will enhance user experiences for both sites. However, many smaller businesses have expressed concerns regarding the effect it will have on their digital marketing campaigns.

It is thought that the deal will spark an influx of tweets deliberately written to contain keywords that will allow them to be placed highly on Google. Additionally, it is thought that there will be an extremely fine line between highly effective strategies and ones that are destined to fail. More and more companies are expected to start using social media, specifically Twitter, in their campaigns, to keep up.

When using our digital and online marketing services, you can have peace of mind that we’re keeping up to date with the latest and most effective practices, helping you to grow and expand your business. Get in touch with our friendly team to discuss your options and we’ll provide a digital marketing package to suit your demands.

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