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Reduce buyer resistance with ecommerce strategies

October 26, 2015 by in category News, Website Design with 0 and 0

The biggest advantage of ecommerce retail is the convenience. Consumers can use secure payment methods to shop whenever they want, wherever they want, while enjoying 24 hour availability, global reach and efficient customer service. For these reasons, every online retail business needs to be fully optimised with an ecommerce webstore in order to thrive in a competitive market.

If you operate an online business you need to focus primarily on improving your conversion rates. When people visit your website they are essentially entering your premises, and there are a few helpful tips and tricks you can employ to encourage them to stay and make purchases.

Potential buyers need motivation and it can be beneficial to create a slight sense of urgency. When consumers see that the availability of a product is limited, the perception of its value rises, prompting them to buy and subsequently drive your sales. An equally powerful marketing tool is to present a deadline for purchase. Potential consumers are more likely to commit to a purchase if time is of the essence.

One of the biggest reasons for leaving websites at the checkout is being faced with unexpected costs. Shoppers do not respond well to reaching the last stage of the transaction process to find more has been added to their final amount. If your site is not offering free shipping it is best to show the full price with the additional shipping charge on the product page. Consumers appreciate honesty and do not like surprises when it comes to cost.

Many people use their lunchtimes and breaks to do their online shopping. If shoppers are in a rush, the last thing they want is to spend what seems like an eternity completing an online transaction. Offering an “express checkout” service eliminates the effort and time typically associated with the order process and offers your customers a short and sweet transaction. These are just a few of the ways you can make your ecommerce website successful. We can build your website from scratch and ensure it is developed to its full potential.

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