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Starting off your social marketing campaign

June 14, 2015 by in category News, Social Media with 0 and 1

Social media has become hugely important in recent years with billions of users using established networks such as Facebook and Twitter. However, alongside these well known sites, there are lesser known social networks which can add just as much value to your social media marketing campaign. In some cases it is these niche platforms that are even more valuable because they can put you directly in contact with the specific people you need rather than simply giving you large numbers.

Social media can be great for your business but there are several pitfalls to avoid, especially when starting out. The first issue you will encounter is choosing the right platform to focus on. It is important to take the time to plan so you can look closely at your target market and decide where your messages will be well received. This will result in a better response.

Secondly you need to have the right amount of activity. You don’t want to do too little or go overboard. Posting once every year is definitely not wise, but a dozen updates a day is equally bad. Consistent posting is the best strategy.

The third factor is the quality of your content. Putting out bad quality content just for the sake of saying something will quickly alienate your audience. You should make sure everything you say is well written and properly presented. You can take this opportunity to share your industry knowledge and position yourself as a thought leader.

The next issue is determining what type of content you need for the specific platform. Some social networks are designed to be more visually focused and interactive, so there is no point putting essays on these. Each network will also have its own tone, so you should make sure you are in line with this.

One of the biggest advantages of using social media is you can give your company a more personal feel by letting people engage with an individual rather than an entity. This can help to improve the image of your business substantially. You need to make sure the person responsible for posting always has the best interests of the company in mind and only posts suitable things.

A major reason some businesses avoid using social media is the fact that it makes them more exposed to their target market. This link can be an advantage but it could also be turned into a negative, especially if people write lots of bad reviews. With social media, the best thing to do is respond personally to each problem and genuinely look for a solution. Mistakes can happen, but showing that you want to put them right will be appreciated by the audience.

The final pitfall is failing to align your content with the target market. It is vital that your social media presence reflects the values of the audience. To do this you need to present things in the right way and ensure you get a suitable tone. Doing your homework and taking it slow will help you to get your messages right. We are ready to help you with our social media packages and digital marketing tips, so just get in touch if you would like to know how you can get your social marketing campaign off on the right foot.

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