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Taking advantage of all channels

January 29, 2015 by in category News, Website Design with 0 and 0

A website’s design isn’t just a means of advertising a business, but also a way of connecting with customers and ensuring that they receive all of the information that they need.

Practically every business now has a website, but the problem is that the design of many websites remains outdated, some not changing since the day that they were created. The technological scene, along with the Internet, is ever-changing and is something that needs to be constantly updated to stay with the times. We pride ourselves on delivering fresh and innovative web design solutions to all of our customers, and in 2015, there are a number of emerging trends that we will be keeping our eye on.

Perhaps the most important thing that needs to be done is to optimise your website for mobile audiences. Mobile traffic has exploded in recent years. In 2013, mobile traffic rose from 22.8% of all total website visits to 37%, and statistics show that this trend is only increasing. Google have began to label websites that are mobile friendly when users browse their search engine via a mobile device. Not only that, but making your website mobile friendly is now vital for SEO as websites will be ranked lower if they do not have mobile friendly designs.

You’ll also want to think about doing away with clunky menus and content bars and turning towards more streamlined design. This will make your site easier to use and navigate, and will keep visitors coming back for more. You may wish to include features such as hidden, pop-up or pop-out menus which are activated by simply scrolling over them. Slide-out menus are made to suit mobile, laptop and desktop access. They are a great way of saving space and providing easier access to the contents of a website.

Typography is also important to consider. This doesn’t just mean the golden rule of avoiding Comic Sans at all costs, but using typography which is suited to mobile users and screens.

You may also wish to consider the emergence of smart televisions and the next generation of video game consoles. The next generation of video gaming has seen the Xbox One and PS4 become even more powerful, not just for gaming, but also for accessing the internet. Smart televisions are capable of extensive internet browsing. Of course, with large screens being incredibly popular, this means that businesses need to consider making their websites just as suitable for larger screens as well as for mobile browsing.

With our team on your side, you can be assured of fully professional design services tailored to you and your needs. We will work with you to ensure that your requirements are fully reached. We can ensure that your site is mobile friendly, that it’s accessible and that, most importantly, it is up to date for 2015.

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