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The significance of Google Panda

August 23, 2015 by in category News, SEO with 0 and 0

The world of SEO and online marketing is always changing, which means specialists need to adjust their techniques in order to keep up and make sure their websites are not penalised. Google Panda is one of the main factors affecting SEO in recent years. It is an ongoing series of changes made to the search engine giant’s ranking algorithms, and as Google is the biggest search engine in the world, it has an important effect on SEO strategies for all businesses.

Panda was first introduced in 2011, and its aim is essentially to punch low quality sites while rewarding high quality ones in terms of lower or higher search engine results. Google makes changes to its algorithms frequently, but every now and again there’ll be big changes which can have dramatic effects on many websites. For example, when Panda first emerged, 11.8% of searched were affected – a huge amount.

The latest update, Panda 4.2, began rolling out just last month, although it seems it will take several months for the full effects to be seen. It’s a good idea to keep a close eye on your analytics to make sure you’re not dropping as a result of this new update.

August 23

This guy wants to see quality content on your website.

Luckily, due to the fact that Google updates its algorithms frequently, it is possible to recover after being penalised by making changes to your site. If you want to make sure you continue riding high in the search engine results and weather the changing requirements of Google Panda, it’s important to make sure your site has interesting, well written, fresh and original content that’s not duplicated from other sites or pages. Poorly written text and copied content will simply mean your site is penalised.

We specialise in creating original content for our clients in the form of web content, blogs, marketing emails and much more. If you want to make sure your site survives Google’s changing needs and get more website traffic, we are on hand to help you optimise your chances.

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