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Time-saving social media strategies

July 5, 2015 by in category News, Social Media with 0 and 0

When it comes to your small business website, the smart use of social media can be the most cost-effective marketing tool at your disposal. Effective social media management requires focused attention, yet one of the most valuable resources for a small business is time. In the digital age it is more crucial than ever before to embrace social media marketing, but if you are time-strapped there are a few ways of economically managing your social media accounts.

It is not enough to simply set up Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook accounts and post infrequently. You need to set specific goals in order to measure the effectiveness of your social marketing strategy. Remember, your goals do not have to be large; it is more conducive to aim for targeted build up. You can gradually increase your followers, friends and customer communication through social media as well as aiming for a certain amount of direct sales leads. Social media is not your entire marketing strategy, but it is an effective tool and can be hugely beneficial to small businesses.

It’s a good idea to select one social media platform initially and master it, rather than spreading yourself too thin in an attempt to establish several online presences. Furthermore, choose the platform wisely. It is important to identify the one that is best for your business in terms of customer accessibility.

It is wise to use targeted keywords to strategically select the platform to focus on. By pinpointing the keywords that drive traffic to your website you can locate the social media platforms where those particular keywords are being used the most. Social media accounts will attract visitors to your site if they are appropriately used. People want to find a website that accurately reflects your brand and is consistently updated with relevant information such as available products, special offers, discounts and services.

If you remember that consumers are looking for something authentic, you can use social media to engage with your customers and establish your business as a proficient and professional entity. You can share related content, interesting articles, attention-grabbing images and high quality graphics to give your site visitors a comprehensive experience.

We can assist with every aspect of social media marketing and we are fully equipped to help all small to medium sized businesses. We are trusted web designers in Middlesbrough and we offer a creative and dynamic service, saving you time and optimising your chances of reaching out to the right people on the right platforms.

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