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Types of domain names

October 29, 2015 by in category Domain Names, News with 0 and 0

When it comes to setting up your online presence, there are several important factors to consider to make sure you get noticed and keep on attracting the right visitors to your site. Two of the most important determining factors are the web hosting provider and the domain name.

There are several different types of domain names to choose from, so you’ll need to consider which kind you will be using. Some of the main ones are:

Trademarked. These are domains which use the company’s or individual’s branded or trademarked name. These are great for businesses with well-established brand names as people will remember them and know exactly where to find them online, but may be less beneficial for newer or less well-established businesses. However, if you are purchasing multiple domains, it is always advisable to buy up your business name so that others won’t be able to use it.

If a third party purchases a trademarked domain name that doesn’t belong to them, this may be a case of “cybersquatting” and will reflect badly on them as it will show they are attempting to mislead customers into believing they are associated with an established brand. This is something to be avoided.

Descriptive. These types of domains may describe what your company does or a specific product that you sell – in other words, they make use of relevant keywords. These types of domain names are desirable because they make it easy for prospective customers to find you when they use a search engine to look for your particular product or service. They also ensure that your site will be memorable so they can easily find you for repeat business and recommend you to others.

Invented. These names don’t generally have an obvious meaning, and may be a combination of two or more words. As a brand becomes more established, the invented name may change into a recognisable trademarked name – Google is probably the most prominent example of an initially invented domain name which has evolved into a widely recognised brand. These types of domains generally give the most scope for invention and minimise the chances that somebody else will already own your chosen domain.

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