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Why do I need responsive web design?

September 26, 2018 by in category Website Design with 0 and 0

If you are yet to make sure your website responds to different devices, you are missing out. It is a necessity for any business because it affects the user experience. Read on to find the answer to the essential question, why do I need responsive web design?

What Is It?

The idea of responsive design is to create a website with pages that will render at the appropriate size for the device type and screen in question. This is done through the use of flexible layouts, images and cascading style sheet (CSS) media queries.

Don’t Waste Time

This is not a new idea that will blow over; it is essential to meet the developing needs of website visitors. Ensuring your site responds will help you for years to come. For instance it will reduce the number of people that leave the website because it doesn’t adapt.

Keep People Happy

Chances are you will have visited a site without responsive design. It makes using it difficult and annoying because it does not work with all devices. There are a large number of people who will navigate away immediately to find a website that is easier to use. Therefore it is vital to make visitors happy so that they can see what you have to offer them.

Google Appreciates It

Responsiveness allows search engines to be more effective when crawling and indexing your site. This, along with faster loading speeds that prevent people bouncing away, will help you get a higher rank.

Mobile Usage Is High

In a world where so many people are reliant upon their mobile phones, it is no surprise that a large proportion of searches take place here. In fact, mobile internet usage has overtaken the amount of computer web traffic and the numbers are still climbing.

Making a site responsive will ensure it looks amazing to everyone visiting and it will be easy to navigate. It will still help even when device manufacturers change screen sizes. It is a valuable aspect of web design that every business can benefit from.

Why do I need responsive web designWe hope this effectively answers the question, why do I need responsive web design? With a great website you will be able to show off your products and services to a wide audience.

Utilise the premier services provided by Web Consultancy and reach out to us today. We can create wonderful websites and help to get them a great rank on Google. Visit our site to find out more about everything we have to offer.

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