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Some interesting tools you can discover with Google

September 20, 2018 by in category Google with 0 and 0

As Google Partners, we know how valuable this tool can be. In addition to finding answers to our queries, it can help in a multitude of other ways. Because it is turning 20 this month, Google brought out a list of helpful features many people are unaware of. We thought we would share some of these aspects with you.

Internet Speed Test

Getting value for money is important and many people need specific internet speeds for work as well as leisure. If you want to know how fast your connection is, all you need to do is search “internet speed test”. By clicking on the button you can get an accurate reading of your download and upload speeds.

Bill Splitting

When you have had a nice meal and are comfortable, no one wants to work out how to split the costs. Luckily with Google you don’t have to. By typing in “tip calculator” you can find an easy tool for splitting. The task of tipping confuses many people, whether you live in a country that has it or are new to it. The feature can calculate how much everyone should pay to make it simple.

Currency Conversion

Try to type either “exchange rate” or “currency conversion” into Google. This will leave you able to compare various legal tender with up to date information. There is even a helpful graph next to it so you can track the progression of it over time.

Time and Weather

Time zones can be difficult to track, so ask Google for any area. It will even include daylight saving. For any place around the world, you can also find out what the weather is like too. You will be able to see the forecast for the coming week and it is quite accurate. It is easy; type “weather” into the search bar followed by the location.

Ways To Search

If the site you are looking at does not have a search bar, don’t worry. You can use Google; just type in “site:(the website address in question)” as well as the term you want to use. Google has other tools for searching including an advanced search. This may not be something people typically use, but it is helpful when you are looking for something specific.

Other Tools

This is only part of what Google can do, including some sillier aspects. For example, try searching “askew” and you will find Google has tilted. Some helpful things include:

  • Finding definitions and synonyms
  • Trading stocks
  • Searching with images
  • A timer and stopwatch
  • Translate languages
  • Learn what others are searching for with Google Trends

Google PartnersWe enjoy using Google, especially to help businesses of all sizes to succeed. Rely on Web Consultancy today and give the expert Google Partners a call at 01642 049 410. We offer various comprehensive services you can utilise, including SEO, Adwords, social media, and also web development.

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