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Make your site more secure with an SSL certificate

May 25, 2015 by in category Digital Marketing, News with 0 and 0

Having an ecommerce website has a lot of advantages, allowing you to make sales easily through the internet and gain more customers. Consumers demand simple ways to purchase the goods and services they need, and want to know that they’re doing it safely. A good way to provide your customers with confidence in your webstore is to use an SSL Certificate.

An SSL Certificate (Secure Sockets Layer) contains a variety of private and public encryption keys used to protect data. You may have noticed that when you visit certain websites, there is a green ‘https’ in the search bar of your browser. This shows that a page is encrypted. While regular http pages are fast and reliable, they’re not as secure as encrypted ones.

If your business collects sensitive information such as customer contact information, or if you conduct transactions digitally, it’s highly recommended to change from http to https. Your users will have more confidence in your business and you’ll be able to protect your own interests too. Switching from http to http with an SSL Certificate usually involves four stages:

1) Purchase of certificate.
2) Installation of certificate onto website hosting account.
3) Checking that all links are changed from http to https to eliminate broken links.
4) Creating redirects from http to https, allowing search engines to know about the change. This means any bookmarks placed on your site by customers will automatically redirect, helping your business to stay connected.

Although the process of changing from http to http may seem quite straightforward, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration. Firstly, depending on your host, you may have to decide between many packages, which can be confusing. Additionally, moving from http to https involves more technology than the average business owner is prepared to deal with.

For this reason, we are committed to making the process as simple as possible, helping those who wish to secure their website. Equipped with the knowledge and resources to offer comprehensive solutions, our team will deliver excellent service for your business. If you require an e-commerce website design, get in touch with us to see what we can do for you.

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