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Re-evaluating your digital marketing

July 8, 2015 by in category Digital Marketing, News with 0 and 0

The world of digital marketing is hectic, with changes occurring almost constantly. For marketers this creates many challenges; as soon as you think you have a strategy firmly in place, the playing field can change and you need to start all over again. It is very easy to feel you are constantly having to catch up and running the risk of getting left behind.

Marketers have three options; they can stick with what they are doing and hope it works, they can try all of the different strategies that are open to them, or they can take control and find out exactly what will work for them. The third option will always be the best one. Sticking with what you are already doing will quickly get you left behind and gives your competitors the advantage. Trying everything will take a great deal of time and result in higher costs. By taking the time to re-evaluate, you can find out what will work for you and how you can achieve your goals in online marketing.

To take back control and examine exactly what strategy is best for you, you need to go back to the very basics of marketing, starting with choosing your target audience. The days of having a basic target market are well and truly over. It is no use now simply defining a demographic based on a few attributes. The more detail you have about the target audience, the more specific you can be in terms of reaching them. This will help to shape your strategy and can align other parts of the company.

Once you have a detailed target audience in mind, you are ready to determine your message. By comparing your product or service with the description of the target, this will become apparent. You should focus on what benefits you can offer and how you will be able to satisfy the needs of your customers. This is very important because it will be your unique selling point.

The next step is to choose the right marketing channel to suit the message and the audience. You should always opt for the channels which customers will actually be using as this will ensure you maximise exposure. Remember to keep focus on the best one or two mediums rather than trying to use all of them. When you know what channel to use, you’ll also know what type of content you need to offer, whether it is videos, articles, pictures or a combination of these.

When you start digital marketing it is important to be patient; it is unlikely you’ll achieve the results you want right away and it will take work to achieve your aims. The first goal should be to build your following and get people interested in what you have to say. Remember every person you attract will potentially provide you with access to their family, friends and other contacts too.

New methods of digital marketing will come and go, but businesses don’t need to attempt all of them. You should maintain your original focus and only use new tools and mediums that will actually provide value to your target audience. This will ensure a focused and streamlined digital marketing campaign and optimise your chances of reaching your aims.

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