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SEO for 2019

January 16, 2019 by in category SEO with 0 and 0

Search engines adjust how they organise results based on an array of things. Whether this is changes in how people search or how your site is read and indexed, you need to stay informed to get ahead. Below are some of the more important factors to consider regarding SEO for 2019.

User-Intent Optimisation

So many people across the globe rely on internet searches every single day. Google needs to keep up and understand the complexity of searches and what people will do with the information. Through a better understanding of searches, engines can improve results for a better user experience. When you look into the intent of a search, you can then target your keywords to the user.

Mobile-First Indexing

Google do not shy away from telling people how crucial it is to have a website that is mobile compatible. In 2019, it looks like this is going to be a paramount factor for SEO.

Towards the beginning of 2018, Google first announced the Mobile-First Index. This confirmed that the search engine would move a lot of sites to this process. Now, there is a bigger focus on mobile experience when crawling and creating the index. Even if you get mainly desktop visitors, you still need this to rank high.

Happy Site Visitors = Happy Search Engine

The UX (user experience) should be great. This means that your site needs to be easy to use and navigate. As a result any visitors can find what they need with speed and without hassle.

A search engine wants to provide people with the best result for a query. You cannot get away with using a site for your business that has flaws and issues. It should be something that leaves potential customers happy enough to trust you and consider returning.

Fast Sites Get Results

Another crucial factor for SEO for 2019 is loading speed. While this has been important for many years, many experts believe it will be critical this year. Most people will leave a site if it takes too long to load as they would rather check another. Keep an eye on your site speed so that not only does your rank not drop, it stays above your competition.

Quality Content Remains Important

This has been a major factor for years, but what has improved is how Google understands your content. Because of this, writers can use language that is more natural while continuing to create relevant content that ranks.

There are other considerations for your writing that are the same, such as the need to write for the right people. You might have amazing content with all the right optimisation, but you need to target the right audience. This will reduce the likelihood of visitors bouncing and instead, they will find useful information that helps them.

Refresh Your Keyword Strategy

This isn’t necessarily a new idea, but you should still do it. Renewing your strategy is always wise so that you can adjust your efforts. This is to reflect how the market and your business have changed. This will ensure you don’t miss out on opportunities. Look at developments in your company, your audience, language, and where people search.

Give the Search Engine More Information

There are countless other factors for SEO for 2019. This includes schemas and microformats. These give the search engine more information about your website. When it understands the site more, it can give it an accurate rank.

Local Search

This is another significant thing on the rise which is major for a small business. This makes attracting local customers easier. You should optimise to indicate where your business operates. This will become more precise this year as people love the idea of proximity.

Even factors that may not be as critical as others are still influential. Because of this you should consider them to help your position.

Helping you choose your strategy for SEO for 2019

Web Consultancy would love to help you with your digital marketing and SEO for 2019. Tell us a little more about your site and needs and get in touch with our sales team. We can then provide you with more detailed information on how we can assist you.

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