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Using social media in the right way

August 3, 2015 by in category News, Social Media with 0 and 0

Social media provides a wide range of benefits for businesses, including helping them to build more personal relationships with their audience. It can also be a huge support to your SEO operations, but you need to be careful to ensure your competitors aren’t sabotaging you on networks too. The tactic is a negative one, but it can work, particularly if bad reviews or comments start to rise up the search rankings. The last thing you want is for a bad review to pop up when someone searches for your business.

One thing negative SEOers will do is to create fake accounts and comment on your blog posts. By doing this they can get them flagged as spam or start leaving bad reviews and influence other readers. Both of these can cause big problems for your business and potentially damage your reputation.

When you use social media, you need to be proactive. You will need to search regularly to make sure there are no fake accounts around claiming to be your business or be associated with it. If you do encounter one of these you should report it immediately. Facebook is particularly good at taking down fake accounts and will usually remove them quickly.

Another thing you need to do is keep an eye on the comments left on your blog posts if you have the facility enabled. By monitoring it you can keep checking back and remove or respond to negative ones before they cause damage. If you don’t have time to do this you may want to disable the ability for people to leave comments as it could potentially cause more harm than good.

The benefits of social media marketing can really pay off. When people search for your company on search engines the results will bring up your social media accounts if you work hard to keep them active. The accounts should look as good as your main site, using the same colour scheme, logos and other distinctive branding features. We can assist you with your social media marketing campaign, maximising your chances of using it to its full effect.

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