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The Apple Watch is set to be launched this year

February 23, 2015 by in category News with 0 and 0

With the introduction of more and more new devices, it is becoming clear that web and app designers are having to adapt to keep up. One of the biggest new technological launches this year is set to be the Apple Watch.

The watch is scheduled to be launched in April 2015 and is the first Apple device designed to be worn, making it one of the most personal and easy to use devices out there. Developers predict that users will use their apps more frequently on their Apple Watch, but for shorter periods of time, for example to quickly check what’s next on their to-do list or to look at their messages.

It seems clear that the kind of apps people will be using on their Apple Watch will be ones that make their day to day lives easier; for example, new app Departure Board, which keeps travellers and commuters informed about the departure times and destinations of trains leaving from the nearest station.

Apps have exploded in popularity and innovation over the last few years and new technological innovations and devices such as these are sure to continue adding to this. App developers are set to unleash a huge wave of activity and innovation when the Apple Watch is released, and we are excited to see all the new ideas and concepts that are going to emerge now that people will be able to carry their apps around on their wrists. It will of course mean that developers have to make apps work on a very small scale without losing any of their impact or power, which will take creativity and imagination. This shows the importance of apps for businesses, and how in the future companies can target consumers in more personal ways.

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